Andy Evansen, Exploring the Apostle Island Sea Caves

Andy Evansen Watercolor Workshop
Dates; September 7- 9, 2017
Time: 9:30 - 3:30 pm
Community Arts Center
414 Plush Mill Road
Wallingford, PA 19086
Member $400.00 Non-member $450.00
50% deposit required with completed registration.
50% balance due by July 30.
Cancellations after July 30 will forfeit 50% deposit.
If you are placed on a wait list, you will be notified July 30 of an available space. Full payment must follow promptly for confirmation.
"There seems to be a never-endinq quest to loosen up in watercolor. I hear it from my students all the time. It’s easy to fall into the trap of putting too much into your paintings, and editing out the non-essential whether working from photo reference or painting on location is so important.
Painting loosely doesn't just 'happen', it comes from gaining a comfort level with your skills and materials over time. However, there are techniques that can speed up this process. In my workshop, we’ll discuss ways to simplify a scene into larger shapes that will help you paint more boldly.
Value studies are emphasized from the outset. I will complete at least one demonstration painting each day, covering topics such as drawing, skies, trees, buildings, water, and figures. By the end of the class, each student should have enough information to help them on their path to painting impressionistic watercolors."